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More information

You can visit the Brontë’s house

And the village of Haworth

If you want to read some books of them:

List of Works :

Charlotte (1816-1855):

- Jane Eyre (1846)

- Villette (1853)

- Shirley (1849)

- The Professor (1857)

- High Life in Verdopolis

- Juvenilia : 1829-1835


Emily (1818-1848):

- Wuthering Heights (1847)


Anne (1820-1849):

- Agnes Grey (1847)

- The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (1848)


There are some books that contain the sisters' and Branwell's poetry:

- Best Poems of the Bronte Sisters

- Bronte: Poems (Emily)

- The Complete Poems (Emily)

- Selected Poems (Charlotte, Emily, Anne, and Branwell)

Charlotte began several novels, but never finished them. A book called Unfinished Novels that includes these fragmentary novels. The book contains: The Story of Willie Ellin, Ashworth, The Moores, and Emma.

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